Obama at the UN

This gave me a bit of a chuckle.

Extremists sowing terror in pockets of the world. Protracted conflicts that grind on and on. Genocide and mass atrocities. More and more nations with nuclear weapons. Melting ice caps and ravaged populations. Persistent poverty and pandemic disease. I say this not to sow fear, but to state a fact: The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our action.”

Put the bolded [by me] words together. Apparently going to war and losing thousands of our citizens is just not a very large action in terms of magnitude for this president.

Maybe someone can point out this dumbass statement before he actually says it at the UN.

In the meantime, DerSpiegel has an article out about the US and climate change. It’s the first article in a major newspaper I’ve seen that basically says it was during Clinton’s time in office that Kyoto did not get signed.
Granted, it does not make clear that Democrats ran the house at the time.

The White House doesn’t want to sign a global climate treaty without having majority backing in Congress. President Bill Clinton signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 but the Senate voted by an overwhelming majority against ratifying it.

Spiegel is blaming right wingers for lack of action now – even though Democrats control the house, the senate and the Presidency.

The successful right-wing protest against Obama’s healthcare reform and his massive government deficit has severely curtailed the president’s room for maneuver on climate policy.

And finally on climate change, read Ed Morrissey concerning what he’s dug up on cap and trade.
Essentially before selling your house you will have to have it inspected to confirm its “greenness”. No, you can not reduce the price so that the next person with green skills can upgrade.

And you folks with such skills? Sorry – you can’t put them into your house. Your house will already have everything you need.

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