Archive for May, 2005


Amazing – this guy get’s arrested. Where IS Amnesty International?

Sorry about being gone yesterday. Meant to add a …

Sorry about being gone yesterday. Meant to add a backpacking picture but never made it out of the house once I got home!

Here’s to hoping some rumors are true.

Here’s to hoping some rumors are true.

Memorial Day Weekend

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

– John Stuart Mill

Get out a hankie, raise the flag, hug a soldier and read The Mudville Gazette today.

I’d like to meet this guy

Victor Davis Hanson is one smart cookie. He discusses elitist hypocrisy here.


I’m going with this today so it can get as much coverage as possible.

Deep Survivor

More information about not following “directions” from authority types and staying alive.


Here is the second part of the Zell Miller interview.
I need his book.

Oh my goodness!!!! Howard Dean is on Meet the Pre…

Oh my goodness!!!! Howard Dean is on Meet the Press this morning talking out all sides of his mouth. (and Captain Ed is liveblogging it)

UPDATE: Dean gave the “abortions are up” fake statistic that is going around. Here is the truth on that!

I haven’t cruised the net too much this morning, so I don’t have an opionion on a “best blog”. I am, however, putting this article up as blog/article of the day. After listening to Dean, I may actually need to jump ship soon.

Madrid Bombing

I’ve been trying to follow this very interesting story, but it hasn’t been easy and I was about to give up. But Chester has figured it out with a chart and will gave me the basics.

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May 2005