Archive for October 5th, 2010

The Media’s Idea of thought

Blood pressure is up again this morning.

Starting with this bizarre anti Boehner column by Bob Herbert. Please don’t try to tell me that journolist has disappeared. It’s just gone underground and for some reason they think that painting Boehner badly is going to win this election. But listen to this:

Just this past July, Mr. Boehner called for a moratorium on new federal regulations, saying it would be “a wonderful signal to the private sector that they’re going to have some breathing room.” Talk about an invitation to a nightmare. Try imagining how the public would be treated by banks, energy companies, food processors and myriad other powerful entities if the federal government were forced by law to ignore even more of their predations.

If the government would stop trying to reinvent the world and just let things be for 10 minutes business might be able to breath and think and say….oh – I see how these regulations are going to work. It looks like I can afford x many more people to grow.

But no. Instead it’s expected of business to be in the business of hiring apparently. And in the land of journalism there is such a disconnect that they seem to think that when business hires, even at a loss and uncertainty, that unemployment will be reduced and music will once again play. Right up until the time that they realize that their pensions have been reduced because those businesses they were invested in are working at a loss in order to save the economy for the journalists!!

(Why on earth am I still reading the NYTImes?)

Add to that this column by Richard Cohen about the hatefulness of the right. Somehow he has completely forgotten all the years of hatefulness, death threats, making fun of etc etc that came from the left. Regarding Kent State:

The governor of Ohio, James Rhodes, demonized the war protesters. They were “worse than the Brownshirts and the communist element. . . . We will use whatever force necessary to drive them out of Kent.”

That was the language of that time. And now it is the language of our time. It is the language of Glenn Beck, who fetishizes about liberals and calls Barack Obama a racist. It is the language of rage that fuels too much of the Tea Party and is the sum total of gubernatorial hopeful Carl Paladino’s campaign message in New York. It is all this talk about “taking back America” (from whom?) and this inchoate fury at immigrants and, of course, this raw anger at Muslims, stoked by politicians such as Newt Gingrich and Rick Lazio, the latter having lost the GOP primary to Paladino for, among other things, not being sufficiently angry. “I’m going to take them out,” Paladino vowed at a Tea Party rally in Ithaca, N.Y.

Funny – I’ve been called a racist in about every newspaper I read these days and somehow that’s ok. And I distinctly remember the left talking about “taking back America”. The left was stoked by people such as Olberman or Maddow or Pelosi or even Obama.

How can a journalist be sooooo obtuse as to read only one side??

UPDATE: Ann Althouse covers the Cohen column.

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October 2010