The Election

There is so much today that makes me want to try to convince you NOT to vote for Obama, but I will not insult your intelligence. You wouldn’t vote for the guy, would you?

I mean, this is the man who suggests to grown up adult women that yes they can be both fashionable and powerful. ahh, thanks.

This is the man who, continued with that speech by acknowledging he’s a loser, while suggesting everyone should vote for him.
Which of the things in bold did he work to reduce?

“This recession has been more brutal, the job losses steeper,” he said. “Politics seems nastier. Congress more gridlocked than ever. Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens.

“No wonder that faith in our institutions has never been lower, particularly when good news doesn’t get the same kind of ratings as bad news anymore,” Obama said. “Every day you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message that suggest change isn’t possible; that you can’t make a difference; that you won’t be able to close that gap between life as it is and life as you want it to be.

This same man has an ad out now dissing Romney for a plant closing that happened at Bain Capital while a different Bain guy who is now an Obama bundler was handling the business.

This is the man who’s White House leaked information about how the CIA stopped the latest underwear bomber. Turns out the guy was recruited by British Intelligence who also ran the operation!

The leaks about the operation from the American side have infuriated British intelligence officials, who had hoped to continue the operation. The leaks not only scuttled the mission but put the life of the asset in jeopardy. Even CIA officials, joining their MI5 and MI6 counterparts, were describing the leaks as “despicable,” attributing them to the Obama administration.

What a disgrace.
But we’re not done.

This story of Obamacare mandates, this time mandates for agreement for governmentthought, has come to fruition and the law has passed forcing CEO’s to sign their names to letters (read again: sign their name to letters) crediting health care rebates and internal efficiencies to Obamacare.

ps this is AFTER threatening health insurance companies from letting people know their rates are going UP due to Obamacare.

Obama administration officials, who have expressed frustration that Americans don’t know more about consumer-friendly parts of the law, hope that tapping insurers and doctors to spread the word will help lift public opinion of the law. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, in a speech to doctors last month, urged them to use their authority “to educate people” about the benefits of the law. “We don’t need to tell them that the Affordable Care Act is going to change the world. We just need to tell them how the law can help, right now,” she said.

Oh let’s not forget the digging up dirt on those who contribute to his opponent.

Or Fast and Furious or……oh wait, here is a nice list of “firsts” for the President.

I need to end on something funny because all of the above has risen my blood pressure and I’m sure yours too. So here is a great QOTD from Michael Gerson regarding Obama and his use of religion for his own purposes.

Even when Obama changes his political views, Jesus somehow comes around to agreeing with him.

Vote Romney!! I can’t take 4 more years of this current President.

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