Archive for the 'Fun' Category

Is it just me?

Or does anyone else first think of foreplay and foreskin when they hear of the Catholic Bishops Fortnight for Freedom. ht Hot Air

It’s Going to be an Awesome Year!

Because the Diplomad is back!!!

thanks Scott for letting me know. I kept an eye out for years.

A Great Dog Story

This story is in the Denver Post today about Dragon. Dragon is a pit bull type fighting exfighting dog from Virginia who came through Longmont’s Humane Society to find himself a home.

Meet Dragon.
He’s a pit bull, maybe four or five years old. His tawny coat is short and smooth. His amber eyes are intelligent. His first owner, Jonathan Kennard Williams,trained Dragon to fight, entered him in a few matches and then sold Dragon to an undercover federal agent who went on to shut down an illegal dogfighting ring in Virginia.
As of last January, Williams, 27, began serving a 15-year prison sentence. Dragon, meanwhile, has found a new life as a lover, not a fighter.
Today Dragon lives with Eric Reeves, a software developer with a son, age 7, and a daughter, age 16. The Reeves found Dragon at the Longmont Humane Society last December. After considering four dogs, Dragon was the one they picked.

This is a slide show of him learning to get along well with others while at the humane society.

We (Axel and I) continue to take obedience classes through this group and will be participating in their Furry Friends Festival this year. Last year we just watched.
If you care to donate to a group that is all over the country teaching rescues how to set up playgroups for dogs and rehabilitating pit bulls regularly, click here and help me reach a very modest goal.

Or if you just want to see the fun, come join on May 19th at Longmont’s fairgrounds.

Joss Whedan is back

With Cabin in the Woods. Ed Morrissey over at HotAir reviews it. I usually can’t take scary movies…but Joss….buddy, I’ve missed you.

Friday Fun

In the latest “study” on income inequality we find that scientists are off by 34% so that income inequality can be a bfd politically speaking when in reality, not so much.

But never fear because there is another “study” on fracking that causes all the media scientific experts to suggest that coincidence=causation. Here’s the headline:

Fracking Tied to Unusual Rise in Earthquakes in U.S.

Here is the abstract:

While the seismicity rate changes described here are almost certainly manmade, it remains to be determined how they are related to either changes in extraction methodologies or the rate of oil and gas production.

And they wonder why conservatives don’t trust “science”. Maybe it has to do with science being so convenient to agendas.
This from the abstract of that study.

Relating to the second pattern, when examining a series of public attitudes toward science, conservatives’ unfa- vorable attitudes are most acute in relation to government funding of science and the use of scientific knowledge to influence social pol- icy (see Gauchat 2010). Conservatives thus appear especially averse to regulatory sci- ence, defined here as the mutual dependence of organized science and government policy.

Don’t Tell Hockey Fans there will be no National Anthem!

Morgan over at House had this video and Tim, a commenter had this to say:

Those people, kids it looked like, embody the spirit of what we need to doing in this country right now. Be vigilant and stop accepting the crap sandwich being force feed to us. We don’t need no stinking music, sing loudly. Others will join in.
“…and the home… of the…brave.”

Which brings me to this George Weigel piece about the Catholic bishops’ statement and how they “drew their line in the sand” yesterday in a very big way.

…“United for Religious Freedom” usefully clarifies just what the argument is not:

This is not about access to contraception, which is ubiquitous and inexpensive. . . . This is not about the religious freedom of Catholics only, but also of those who recognize that their cherished beliefs may be next on the block. This is not about the bishops’ somehow ‘banning contraception,’ when the U.S. Supreme Court took that issue off the table two generations ago. Indeed, this is not about the Church wanting to force anybody to do anything; it is, instead, about the federal government forcing the Church . . . to act against Church teachings. This is not a matter of opposition to universal health care, which has been a concern of the Bishops’ Conference since 1919, virtually at its founding. This is not a fight we want or asked for, but one forced upon us by government on its own timing. Finally, this is not a Republican or Democratic, a conservative or liberal issue; it is an American issue.

Carry on…..sing loudly….we’ve got your back.

Dating a liberal

These interviews with conservative women and their dating made the rounds yesterday.

What got to me was the Megan McArdle worst dating story. Not even Dr. Helen, defender of all things manly defended the dude here. Yet the story had a bit of the ol’ irony in it.

Megan’s date was clearly a cad. What did she do about it? Leave? Nope. She ordered the most expensive desert on the menu.

…….I felt like, “I’m owed this much.”

Point one. Her company can be bought.

Now the gross guy suggests (after she rejects his offer of going up to her place) that she needs to think of another way to pay him back for dinner.

Here response:

“First of all, I cannot be bought and second of all, if I could, it would not be for Bangers and Mash and a glass of white wine.” Then I grabbed all the money I had in my purse, threw it at him, and hailed a cab.

Point 2 – Her company can not be bought.
Um-which is it?

That is a “worst date” if I ever heard of one. But the irony of “I cannot be bought” after purposefully ordering a 2nd desert that is the most expensive on the menu seems to have escaped her. And no I am not equating sex/desert. Just her companionship and her companionship.

Blogiversary-3 years

Today is my 3 year blogiversary, so here is my yearly photo.
That’s Merlin with me.


I can’t believe I’ve actually stayed with this for 3 years.
I definitely need to send appreciative thank yous to Scott at the Environmental Republican for continuing to read/link. Glenn at Instapundit for the ‘wooohoo!’ times he’s linked. And this year’s new must read JK at Three Sources who is a true lover of calf blogging.

Thanks also to you commenters. I don’t know if you realize it or not, but we bloggers live for the comments. Well, that or another John Kerry doofus moment.

I was burning out in January this year and decided to slow down. After the self imposed pressure was off – blogging came back with a vengeance!

So forward on to another year. An election year at that! It’s still a very cool ‘verse out here and I’m happy to be a part of it!

Time for some celebratory cake.

Blogiversary-5 years!!!

No, not mine. Scott at the Environment Republican.

Go say hello and give him a pat on the back. 5 years is a loooonnnnnnng time in this ‘verse!!
Congratulations Scott.


Scott looks at the Straits of Hormuz incident with a personal perspective.

I’m sorry if I don’t acknowledge the expertise of a record producer over that of a US Navy Commander so at the risk of sounding like an apologist for the Navy and being that he sounds exactly like an apologist, Mr. Majd’s hypothesis sounds doubly suspicious.

A serious offensive happening outside of Baghdad.
Dr. Sanity notes the anger from the left at the Clintons.
Denver named one of America’s most “lustful” cities. Based on condom sales ?
Is buttering up the same as cash when it comes to sex?
More crap in Congo.

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May 2024