Archive for the 'Middle East' Category

The Changes in the Middle East

Growing up in the US, having the paradigm that all men are created equal etc, etc….I have often wondered how a dictatorship manages to survive these days.

The people under dictatorships must have been wondering the same things. Every time I read one of these articles (today it’s Kadafi) I am reminded that whoever rules must have the “consent of the governed” in a big enough quantity to continue ruling.

Things are changing out there. Governments (hopefully – and hopefully in good ways) will have to become as Lincoln said, of the people, by the people, for the people. Kadafi is certainly not that government.

“Kadafi’s problem is the same as presidents like Zine el Abidine ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt,” said Mohamed Makhluf, a Libyan film director living in exile in London. “He became so detached that he convinced himself that all Libyans are happy under his rule.”

My Turn on Egypt

First off, this from Loony Chavez is hilarious:

Venezuela’s firebrand leader Hugo Chavez accused the United States on Sunday of a “shameful” role in the Egyptian crisis and of hypocrisy for supporting, then abandoning strongmen round the world.

You remember him? We supported and then abandoned him as the first opportunity. Apparently he’s upset that we never gave a visa to the exPresident of Tunisia. Maybe we never offered him one either back in the day.

Anyway – I’m getting the feeling that Mubarek will ride this out but not run in September when elections are scheduled.

The people are rising up about their lot in life. Forgive me for being cynical (actually maybe this is the noncynical thought) but I suspect with money thrown at the problem and jobs created and the promise of an election without a Mubarek on the ticket they will choose peaceful assembly.

The military has yet to abandon Mubarek and there is no indication that they will.

I just hope that the two overriding paradigm shifts that come of this will be
1) Israeli/Palestinian peace is not really what an unstable middle east is about
2) People in the Middle East are capable of wanting freedom too.

Victor Davis Hansen
Stephen Hadley
John Podhoretz

Headline News – Koran Burning

Here’s the headline:

Muslim world asks Barack Obama to stop 9/11 Koran burning

It’s from the Telegraph who should know better than to write an entire article about how the Muslim world wants Obama to fix this without once mentioning who we are and what rights we have.

Go ahead – click on through, I’ll wait. …..
After reading that article, if you were an unintelligent person unable to discern silly inaccurate news stories, wouldn’t you be led to believe that the Muslim world is not very peaceful at all?
In fact it sounds like they’re downright violent unless you do as they say.

Here’s the lede.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia’s leader, has written to the American President asking him to personally intervene to stop irreparable damage to relations between the West and Muslims “threatening world peace”.

Yes – we must now worry about world peace because of 30 Americans doing idiot things that Americans do.

Did you know that Saudi Arabia burns bibles all the time? I didn’t until Jawa let me know.

“As a matter of official policy, the government either incinerates or dumps Bibles, crosses and other Christian paraphernalia,” the Saudi Institute said in an article posted on its website.

“Although considered as holy in Islam and mentioned in the Koran dozens of times, the Bible is banned in Saudi Arabia, and is confiscated and destroyed by government officials,” it said.

Jawa also has a link today to this story that is worth a read.

Any how…..Rauf has the right to build his Cordoba house (even though had he thought it through a little more, he probably would not have put it where it’s going) AND Reverend Jones has a right to burn Korans.

And guess what oh Muslim world?…..Just like the President has no right to make you convert to Christianity (or hide your Muslim beliefs) when you move here [UNLIKE IN MANY OF YOUR COUNTRIES!], he/she cannot make Reverend Jones not burn the Koran.

It sounds like it’s going to happen and it’s distasteful and rude and intolerant.

Personally, I would recommend unfriending the reverend and prove to the world just how peaceful you can be.

[note the ridiculous threat at the end…..unless you leave Jones alone, I’ll believe that all Muslims are violent and anti free speech – similar to Rauf newest thought ….unless I build this here, the Muslim world will think America is a bigoted nation.]

I vote that I would rather not live with threats of any kind.

UPDATE: Speaking of threats….I had to laugh at this. Apparently IF Obama will personally call the Reverend Jones, then he’ll reconsider. LOL What would you do?

Read Ann Althouse too. She’s got an opinion about book burning.

Making Excuses and that ongoing Rolling Bus

Today’s Der Spiegel explains why Obama/Washington is “playing it safe” with regards to Iran.

Barack Obama is taking a cautious approach to the disputed Iranian elections and has even said there is little difference between the candidates. The US president knows the ayatollahs yield the real power in Tehran — and doesn’t want to jeopardize negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.

Obama notes that the differences between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi, “in terms of their actual policies, may not be as great as has been advertised.”

I say – “So??”

Here’s the thing about massive public protests. It shows that the people give a rip. Imagine (not to equate this, but for a closer to home example) for a second if John McCain had won our election. By a landslide. By such a landslide that McCain even won Obama’s home town.

We all KNOW it’s really Congress that runs things, right. So who cares who the President is. Besides their policies are pretty close to the same. Immigration/same sex marriage/money for bailouts/Guantanamo/Torture etc.

See how that plays? Not very well – and there’s not even any shooting or beating here.

Obama has decided his rhetoric is not quite good enough to
a) first give support to people getting beaten and killed for being pissed off about a clearly sham election in what they took to be a democracy and then
b) deal with whoever in the end of this phase wins. Not such a great schmoozer then is he?

The Obama administration knows that if Ahmadinejad remains in office, then it will have to work with him in its pursuit of negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. Accusing him of involvement in an election fraud conspiracy would only make this dialogue much more difficult and could also serve in Iran as propaganda against the US.

So – “Under the bus for you people in Iran who believe fair elections are your right. Under the bus. We have far more important things to deal with than a fraudulent election. Look!! See – I’ve even got my Secretary of State working to stop human trafficking of prostitutes because clear good and evil topics without any nuance that the left agrees on are one subject this government can easily stand against. See – she is even writing important letters to important newspapers and everything!! I’m very busy.”

No matter what happens in Iran, the prevailing theory here is that Obama is the one giving hope to the universe.

“The stormy Iranian elections are one more sign of how the world has been shaken up in the age of Barack Obama,” writes Ignatius in the Washington Post.

I’ve read similar in many places. Interestingly nowhere other than on blogs do you read that Iraq, the people of Iraq, the hope of Iraq is what might just be spreading it’s influence to it’s neighbor. Is it true? I don’t know. It’s certainly MORE plausible than the Obama Cairo speech from a week ago. Seriously – would you be worked up to riot levels from a speech you just heard of last week?

The Saudi’s (another bastion of “freedom”) are a bit worried about this freedom thing. How can I tell? Because these huge protests are not in the headlines of the Arab News. But news of dengue fever, dna testing and a report on the Mumbai attack did.

Would Mousavi be better than Ahmadinejad? I don’t know. I hear Mousavi makes more sense when he talks but that both want the same things. That might make for harder worldwide condemnation of nuclear ambitions. On the other hand Mousavi certainly has a freer wife who has been an inspiration to millions.

It doesn’t matter. The people are outraged about a clearly rigged election. Voting is one of the very few things that most of us have any power over. If you screw with it – people will be pissed. (Unless they are so downtrodden that they know Saddam is going to win with 100% of the vote anyway!)

Read this story from the Spectator: (ht Scott)

What is weakening the regime is not Obama’s appeasement. It is resistance. It is the fact that the people did not take their stolen election lying down but turned out in their hundreds of thousands to demand justice – and are prepared to die for it – that has rocked the regime. With a reported twenty people dead yesterday and hundreds more injured at the hands of the regime’s thugs, the people have now been galvanised still further. Staring at what might well be a true counter-revolutionary moment, the regime is wobbling, and has now announced there will be a recount of the vote.

And still Obama is getting it wrong. Not surprising — having made nice with the tyrants and thus undermined the democrats he has been badly caught out and clearly doesn’t know what to do. With whom does he now side? His reaction — as promulgated by his fawning acolyte Miliband — is to be even-handed and support neither. How appalling. The President of America should have immediately condemned in the strongest possible terms this brutal onslaught against people trying to claim their democratic rights, and supported them against injustice and oppression.

And read the Anchoress who has a nice roundup.

And read Twitter (#IranElection)- just don’t believe everything you read – because the people in Iran are longing to be, fighting to be, dying to be heard. So go listen.

And read Jonah Goldberg who begs “Side with Freedom, Mr. President”

And read of the President of France having bigger balls than our own President in the Wall Street Journal.

And read John Kranz of Three Sources defending the defense of liberty with passion.

Two Big stories this weekend

For news on Iran, watch Michael J. Totten and loosen your purse strings a bit for him.

For news on Netanyahu’s speech, here is Benny Avni.

Muslims and Terrorism

I’ve complained in the past about Muslims not confronting their own folks with the terrorism that emanates from there.

Today the Arab News does just that in talking about the Pakistani villagers who have had enough of the Taliban. (even calling them “the enemy within”)

A suicide bomber just killed an antiTaliban cleric in an attack on a mosque. (during an attack on another mosque)

Keep it up Taliban. You’ll find yourselves as welcome in Pakistan as Rosie O’donnell would be. (middle aged, outspoken, lesbian woman of 0 appeal)

Abbas Visit to the White House

Filed under “Meet the New Boss” lets link to the Jordan Times today where they are noting the visit of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House today.

hoping the US president will turn his words of support for a Palestinian state into deeds.

The article is of course a bit pro Palestinian and emphasizes the requirement of a two state solution and of Israel stopping it’s expanding settlements.

It doesn’t mention or deal with the colliding paradigms of having “two states” when one is not recognized by the other.
Nor does it really mention the bombings (from Palestinians) that led to the December 2008 Gaza war.

We all have gotten to know Obama. He wants to be a hero. He needs to be different than Bush. Better than Bush. Can you imagine all the “hope” he has in bringing peace to the Middle East? Himself…independently with his brilliant oration.

Listen to this from Palestinian negotiator Saeb Ereka:

We do not need new plans since all the existing ones have a common denominator which is a two-state solution. What is required from President Obama is to transform it from a vision to a realistic political track.”

In other words. Bush did a FINE job of negotiating peace. It just hasn’t worked out. And frankly, it quit working in December while Bush was occupied getting you into office Mr. President.
Is it ok to chuckle at this?

Obama, the big interview and what’s next

The Anchoress has done this far, far better than I, but I hear you clamoring for my opinion, so let’s get on with it.

1. Obviously, Obama is still on his honeymoon or the US media would have been a little more picky about not getting that first interview. I suspect that had this been an interview with the London Times or something, they might not have liked it.

Instead, we have double standards for the Middle East.

2. And while I accept the fact that Saudi Arabia is an “ally” with a lot of oil and a lot of potential to screw us big time, they also have no freedom there, unless you happen to be a Muslim male. Had Clinton’s first interview been with say South Africa under apartheid, I suspect the media would have something to say about it. If it’s only Christians (Buddhists, Hindus, etc) or women being discriminated against,…no big deal. (seriously, what’s the matter with Jordan television, or Indonesian television as a first interview in a Muslim country?)

3. While Obama said enough to make the Arab News believe he’s not going to be on the side of the Palestinians, (which can only be a good thing)

Those who counted on Obama to bring a just peace to the Middle East must have had their hearts broken watching the man charging against Hamas’ terror, as thousands of Gazans were killed and wounded, including 430 children in three weeks as a result of Israel’s barbarous attacks, using mostly American weapons (and full, unqualified US backing.

he also assuaged others:

“He’s different from the previous presidents, perhaps because of his colour or his Islamic background. My views of America are different now than they were during the Bush administration,” said Youssef Ali, 45, who works for the Iraqi electricity ministry in Baghdad.

(probably another good thing)

and frankly he insulted me:

My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives.

Not, “a small pocket of American people who think all Muslims want their children to live worse lives.”
No, he said he needs to communicate to the American people. Me.

Maybe, just maybe, as a Christian, Obama could communicate with Saudi Arabia and let them know that the female and/or Christian/Hindu/Buddhist etc world is filled with people who just want to go on about their business with only as many restrictions as have Muslim men.

and finally
4. I am so excited to see the future as Obama figures out ways to communicate, negotiate, respect folks like our buddy Ahmadinejad. Who today wants an apology for all of our crimes committed against Iran.

The Iranian president welcomed the possibility of US change, but said: “When they say ‘we want to make changes’, change can happen in two ways”.
“First is a fundamental and effective change… The second … is a change of tactics. It is very clear that, if the meaning of change is the second one, this will soon be revealed,” he said.

Seriously dude, I look forward to seeing how you communicate with that respectfully because my inclination is to treat this guy as a 2 year old.

According to Amir Taheri is looks like Obama is going to be doing all of his communicating unilaterally vs using the previously set up agreements to deal with the world as a cohesive unit of allies. He is just not the guy he advertised himself to be.

Throwing Down

Osama bin Laden challenges the US to a long fight.
After noting that they will continue jihad for years and years to come he says:

“The question is, can America continue its war with us for several more decades to come? Reports and evidence would suggest otherwise.”

Guess what dimwit – there is no need to keep fighting in places we’ve already won. Yes, we’ll be leaving Iraq to go to Afghanistan – and if Obama gets his way, Pakistan. Loser.

Osama’s current request for jihad is to stop the aggression against Gaza.
Maybe he’d like to suggest jihad to stop the stealing of humanitarian supplies by Hamas from Gazans, given by Israelis.
(ht Insty)

Maybe the UN could mention that this should be a no, no.

In the meantime, police in Germany turn dhimmi and break into an apartment to remove Israeli flags that were bothering the Islamist protest march outside.

Lawsuits to come. Luckily there is some sanity there:

The actions of Duisburg officials have since caused outrage — sparking criticism from the Central Council of Jews in Germany. Rainer Wendt, the head of the German Police Union for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, said: “It is intolerable that German Islamists be able to determine police actions.”


Israel clearly won this round.

After the either accidental or rogue rocket launched from Lebanon into Israel, Hezbollah – AFTER 3 DAYS – says “You better not shoot any rockets back!”.


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