Archive for October 18th, 2006

Election Perspectives

Michael J. Totten has been on a roll for me the last few days. Today he notes his perspective on our elections. As a guy who spends most of his time in the Middle East, he doesn’t see much difference between red and blue around here and isn’t quite getting what the fuss is all about.

And that my friends is what blogging is all about. Getting other people’s perspectives.

Pre-Iranian Revolution

This morning my internet connection is really, really slow. Who knows why, it could be the snow we got last night is screwing something up, somewhere. It doesn’t matter. I still am ready to throw this computer through a window. And it’s an innocent bystander.
Captain Ed notes today what is bound to be the beginning of the end of the Iranian Mullocracy. They’ve judicously noted that high speed internet connections allow for quick access to the evil west and have ruled that nothing is to go faster than 128kb.
Can you imagine going back to dial up, even fast dial up anymore? Pages aren’t even created for dial up these days. There’s going to be a revolution. Mark my words.
(ps, I usually double check these stories with a 2nd news source to confirm accuracy. But I am unwilling to wait around today and am already cranky over the speed. Lol. Captain Ed is dependable though!)

Afghani Kidnapping

Do you remember the Christian convert in Afghanistan who left for Italy after getting out of jail because he was considered “mentally unfit” to stand trial? I was wondering how he was doing the other day. It seems the Taliban/or other Afghan militants haven’t forgotten him either. The BBC is reporting that the Italian journalist, Gabriele Torsello, kidnapped last week is being offered in exchange for Abdul Rahman. Gabriele is a Muslim convert. Kidnapping gets complicated when you get religion involved eh?

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October 2006