Archive for October 24th, 2006


I said it just the other day. “Stay the course” is shorthand for “we’re not leaving you”, not “continue doing the exact same thing until it works”.
The Washington Post today “analyzes” how the President is going to change the wording of this program since the Democrats HAVE COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD SUCH A SIMPLE LITTLE MESSAGE!

Bush used “stay the course” until recent weeks when it became clear that it was becoming a political problem. “The characterization of, you know, ‘it’s stay the course’ is about a quarter right,” Bush complained at an Oct. 11 news conference. ” ‘Stay the course’ means keep doing what you’re doing. My attitude is: Don’t do what you’re doing if it’s not working — change. ‘Stay the course’ also means don’t leave before the job is done.”


Immigration and Livestock

I know, I know, these two items don’t go together. But today there is a story in the NYTimes about meat labels on meat raised “compassionately”. (yes, the compassionate part is relative and the labels can be iffy but that’s not the point) Essentially the story is that people are willing to pay more for meat that has been raised “not caged” or “free range” or

raised in a humane manner until they were slaughtered.

And they’re willing to pay almost twice as much! I know this for a fact, because I’m one of those people. Luckily for me I get most of my beef/pork direct from a small hobby farm I know of but when I go grocery shopping I look for eggs from cage free chickens etc. ( You definitely find less bruising in your chicken meat that way.)
Anyhoo, the big argument for immigration is “lettuce would go up twice as much!”. Yeah, so what? Lettuce is so cheap that distributors started to package it in ready made packs that
a) don’t have to be washed but
b) can give you e coli, but
c) are easy and
d) cost a bundle. I buy them.
Why not a new label….

“Harvested by legal farm workers making $15/hour”

I’d pay extra. Those that don’t care or can’t afford the difference can continue to buy the iffy produce. Illegal immigration is continuing. Let’s label it and buy our way out.

American Snipers

After their propaganda snuff film the other day, I have removed CNN from the tabbed list of news sources I look at every day and taken off my email alert of their breaking news. That one made me spitting mad. Today Michelle Malkin follows up on the story, putting her anger to work. She shares addresses for supporting OUR snipers. Click through to her to get the links to work.

Now I want to turn my anger into something productive. I am asking you to combat CNN’s glorification of Iraqi jihadist snipers by supporting American snipers. Seems like the only time American snipers earn CNN and other international media organization’s attention is when they make mistakes and can be tarred as reckless killers. (formerly Adopt a Sniper) collects items to support our troops. You can read letters from the front here. Donate here.

Reasons to vote GOP

From Varifrank.

I just don’t see how rewarding the very worst form of left wing Democrats in this election brings us one day closer to winning the war. These Democrats have done everything in their power to impede the war and this country at every step of the way so far, does it really make sense to allow them to run the government? Come on now…

Because in the end, that’s the only metric that counts. You can tell me all sorts of great stories about what a dork Bush is, and you can tell me how you dont like so and so in congress, and you can tell me how you dont like this or that legislation, but you cant tell me how the Democrats are going to make it anything but worse.

Sad but true.

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October 2006