Archive for October 7th, 2011

Friday Fun

Ok, it only would be fun if it happened. It didn’t happen but that doesn’t mean I can’t imagine it.

Imagine, if you will….As Obama welcomes Honduras back to the “democratic fold” and the OAS with this remark to President Lobo: [this party DID happen]

What we’ve been seeing is a restoration of democratic practices and a commitment to reconciliation that gives us great hope,” Obama told reporters as Lobo sat beside him in the Oval Office. “Of course much work remains to be done.”

[this part didn’t happen] President Lobo responds: “F*&% you you arrogant prick!” And notes the August 2009 study of the Law Library of Contress that agrees Honduras did not have a coup but instead followed their constitution pretty much to the letter in 2008, the year Obama et all kicked Honduras out of OAS.

THAT would have been fun.

Instead President Lobo apparently spread his cheeks and not only thanked Obama for his support but has welcomed the wannabe dictator Zelaya back into Honduras.

I miss President Michelletti.


HHS and Obamacare
Now, just NOW the federal government is getting around to deciding what should be in the basic health care plan that all will be required to have. There are even “listening sessions” from HHS to figure out what the people want. How is this possible? Wouldn’t requirements for these plans HAVE to be in the budget numbers to figure out what Obamacare will cost?? Oh – yeah – “we have to pass the bill before we find out what’s in it.”

The Nuclear Option
The reason behind Harry Reid hitting the nuke button is so that Democrats in the Senate aren’t forced to vote on the provisions of Obama’s jobs bill.

The Democratic leader had become fed up with Republican demands for votes on motions to suspend the rules after the Senate had voted to limit debate earlier in the day.
McConnell had threatened such a motion to force a vote on the original version of President Obama’s jobs package, which many Democrats don’t like because it would limit tax deductions for families earning over $250,000.


Walgreens and Anthem Blue Cross
In a dispute between the two companies about a rate for reimbursement on prescriptions a customer who’s insurance will no longer be carried at Walgreens notes with dismay: “It’s just like all the rate increases for our insurance,” Ziegler said. “All they care about are profits.”

Um, yeah.
Concerning that jobs bill, Obama is now lecturing Republicans because by not passing his bill it means they are doing nothing about jobs.

The president urged passage of the $447 billion American Jobs Act and warned Republicans who oppose the measure that they will have to explain their opposition “to me, and more importantly, to their constituencies” at a time of mounting economic uncertainty.

Easy – go back to the first absurdity and ask if you would hire in these current times. No ones hires at a time of “mounting economic uncertainty” and spending 447 billion that doesn’t exist while counting on taxes from millionaires in 2013 as if those millionaires won’t figure out where to hide the extra $110,000 a year is crazy.

About 392,000 households would get hit by the Senate Democrats’ proposed 5.6 percent tax on income above $1 million, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank. In 2013, the first year the tax would take effect, those households would see their taxes increase by an average of $110,500, according to the analysis.

AND if one of our problems as a nation is the pending doom of Social Security, then how on earth is extending the payrroll tax going to help our long term fiscal health?

It is likely Congress will eventually pass Obama’s proposal to extend and expand the Social Security payroll tax cuts that took effect on Jan. 1, the costliest part of the overall jobs plan.


Speaking of jobs and a jobs bill and Steve Jobs….John Podheretz has a column that is NOT absurd and ends thusly.

Jobs gave a commencement address at Stanford in 2005 when he told the graduates to “love what you do,” which is about as perfect a distillation of the “pursuit of happiness” as anything I’ve ever seen.
The obvious objection to this description of American greatness is that a Steve Jobs comes along once a century — that people don’t necessarily have the luxury of loving what they do or having the vision to effect it, and that our economic system has to be designed for their benefit and not to free up space for the next Steve Jobs.

That objection gets it entirely wrong. America’s greatness comes from Steve Jobs, and from everybody who has only a millionth in him of what he had — drive, determination, a hunger to succeed and the capacity to see better and greater things in the future than exist in the present.

Such people exist everywhere, in every nation on the planet. But their ability to pursue happiness is impeded by cultural and political roadblocks that the Founding Fathers removed from our path in their conception of the United States.

Barack Obama does not understand this. Steve Jobs did. He will be remembered as a greater American than the president during whose term he died.


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October 2011