Archive for October 16th, 2011

Herman Cain

Yes, or course I’m a little nervous about his seeming lack of interest in foreign policy. With as little time as I take to read up on it, he too could be an expert with the ongoing caveat he uses that he doesn’t have all the [secret] information.
I do think it’s cool that he doesn’t insist on things like “closing GITMO” without knowing the facts or thinking through alternatives.

BUT Cain does this, he makes me feel great about this country. He brings excitement with his 999 plan. Not because it will ever pass but because wow – someone is thinking of scrapping some government thing that has grown beyond hope and starting over with something simpler.

And read this that Tina Korb at Hotair wrote after hearing of a Herman Cain moment when he his microphone lost power. What did he do? He just started singing “The Impossible Dream”. ( How cool is that?)
bold is mine.

It was just a campaign trail incident and doesn’t really prove he’d be a solid president. But I insist it still matters. Usually, “campaign trail incidents” consist of inopportune corndog consumption, BBQ bashing, that sort of thing. Or they consist of carefully constructed photo ops and banal talking points. In comparison to a president whose First Lady coordinates Target shopping expeditions to appear ordinary, Cain just is refreshingly real. And what the nation needs now is a leader, someone who reminds us of what makes America great. I’ve never felt worse about our country after hearing Cain speak. Can’t say the same about Obama, whose criticisms of our “soft” country often leave me feeling paltry.

Sure, he’s still a long-shot candidate. Even as a first-tier contender, he so far has only pulled in second-tier funds. Still, no matter what happens with his campaign, I can’t help thinking … “The world will be better for this, that one man, scorned and covered with scars, still strove, with his last ounce of courage … ”

What’s clear: Cain will continue to strive. We’ll have to decide what the reward for his striving will be. But what if? What if we did elect a president with nothing but real world experience? Would that be foolishness? Is it foolish to believe in a dream?

Impossible? Maybe. Certainly impossible without help, so throw him a bone. He is keeping this campaign cheerful.

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October 2011