Archive for January 9th, 2008

Polls and their Usefulness

Ok the polls yesterday said Obama was ahead. Way ahead.
How is it that those polls predicted McCain but not Hillary?

Anyone want to check out those voting machines? Scrappleface has the DNC shouting fraud, but so far I haven’t really heard that.

“It’s a forgone conclusion that if the race outcome defies the pollster predictions, there must have been corruption,” said an unnamed DNC source.

It maybe is time for a vast left wing conspiracy to rear it’s ugly head.

Oooh people are questioning.

Now – as much as I really, really, really do not want Hillary Clinton in the White House, I really, really wish that Barack Obama had a better head on his shoulders. Concerning the Sunni tribes rising up to fight alQaeda:

“I welcome the genuine reductions of violence that have taken place, although I would point out that much of that violence has been reduced because there was an agreement with tribes in Anbar province – Sunni tribes – who started to see, after the Democrats were elected in 2006, you know what, the Americans may be leaving soon, and we are going to be left very vulnerable to the Shias. We should start negotiating now. That’s how you change behavior.”

People can live up to the office, but he does have quite a bit of living up to do based on this. I think he’s basically honest which leads me to believe he really believes this crapoloa.

On to the next primary.

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January 2008