Archive for February 16th, 2012

Love It!

ht Ace

Back to the Contraception etc Mandates

Today we have a couple of things to look at.
Jeff Goldstein is working very hard to keep the MSM from co-opting the narrative about the subject.
This is not about contraception, or about free stuff, or even health. It’s about liberty and doing what you choose and entering into contracts without coercion. [bold is mine]

Stacy is correct — and this is a point we here at pw have been beating consistently since the announcement of the original, pre-”compromise” HHS announcement: this is certainly an attack on religious freedom and the First Amendment, but even moreso, it is a power grab by the federal government, who now believes it has the authority to dictate to private companies what they must sell, and for how much they must sell it.

Too, and by extension, they now believe that you as the consumer be mandated to pay for things you don’t want — and that may violate your freedom of conscience — even though they’ve tried to hide that piece of the puzzle by labeling the services as “free”.

The fact is, the services and contraceptive devices have to be paid for, and that cost will be factored in to the overall costs of coverage. Meaning, you will be paying for all the free things whether you want to or not.

To me, it matters not whether “most Catholics” favor the mandate. Most Catholics vote Democrat, too — and they’re just as wrong for doing that.

This is not a Catholic issue, or even a strictly religious issue.


With Jonah Goldberg we finally get a big writer noting something I’ve noticed in the past. The left seems to think that Obama (or someone just like him) will ALWAYS be in office from this day forward. He tries to imagine what the left might think if Rick Santorum, or rather who the left thinks is Rick Santorum, should win the presidency.

But let’s imagine the caricature is fair and he really is the boogeyman Rachel Maddow and Co. say he is. Worse, all his talk about “freedom” is just code for the right-wing version of progressive social engineering, i.e., he wants to turn women into breeders á la The Handmaid’s Tale.
Is that who you want in charge of your health care?

Now, add that thought to this new law working it’s way through the process in Washington state.

In the House, lawmakers passed a bill requiring health insurers covering maternity care to also pay for abortions.

You read that right. Not just birth control. Not the “free” stuff, but if you cover maternity care, you must also pay for abortions. (I wonder if there can be a co-pay)

Let’s imagine just 3 potential consequences, shall we?

1) The Hyde amendment denies federal funds for abortion. Washington’s health exchanges dry up and the poor now have to move to a place where they can get onto an exchange.
2) Insurance companies who already are hesitant to cover maternity care due to the expense just don’t cover that at all anymore.
3) Obamacare goes down in flames as does continued freedom in WA state who will still have to abide by the state legislature.

Or what will actually happen….nothing, except in the background where people who object quietly move out of the state and those left don’t really miss them. If this includes insurers, that just means more people under government care.

Which is what the left wants anyway.

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February 2012