Archive for August 14th, 2007

Around the World

Derailed Russian Train. A train going from Moscow to St. Petersburg was ran over a home made bomb.
Bridge Collapse in China. A brand new bridge who’s scaffolding was being removed fell on the workers and the homes below it. Whiles it’s still being investigated a local county deputy party secretary was sentenced to death for accepting a bribe from a friend for the contract.
Rioting in Iran? Not according news sources, but according to Amir Taheri, yes.
Australian Rancher spends a week in a tree avoiding crocodiles while awaiting rescue! I want to know what happened to his horse!
Taleban free 2 Korean hostages. “for the sake of good relations between the Korean people and the Taleban,” . Yeah, that’ll help.

That Spiegel Article under “Good News”

So yesterday I linked to it’s synopsis.

The US military is more successful in Iraq than the world wants to believe.

Today others have done some re-capping for you if you’d like. It truly is worth the read.

Captain Ed
Jules Crittenden

And in case you already read the link yesterday, today read Michael Yon

The mantra that “there is no political progress in Iraq” is rapidly becoming the “surge” equivalent of a green alligator: when enough people repeat something that sounds plausible, but also happens to be false, it becomes accepted as fact. The more often it is repeated—and the larger the number of people repeating it—the harder it is to convince anyone of the truth: alligators are not green, and Iraqis are making plenty of political progress.

I forget the truthisms that mantra’s turn into “truth” – so it’s good to hear (be reminded) differently.

Very Cool

(ht Dinocrat)

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August 2007